LIFE teaches us everything, it makes us suffer, it makes us happy and it makes us worry for things which only we create or we need. I have friends and i have seen them worried for the same things which used to make them proud and happy.. why is that? the things which make us happy only makes us sad in later part.
why we cant cheerish things for what we have and thank god for it that we are better off then many many people who dont have even food to eat or bed to rest...
The watery life is one kind of happiness, the good and bad in life is the life fills a prescription.
Have sweet, have pain, then the life will fills hope, then the life will have the significance.
Like you said, pursuit of happiness. Everyone should the well life.
Happiness always appearance in casual time.
life gives us..what we want life to do...it reciprocate all good and BAD things which we did in past
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